It was time to start the show. As I looked at the ten lovelies lined up beside me, I felt every nerve ending in my body exploding. I couldn't believe it was really here. It was happening! Linda, the mistress of ceremony and my close friend for 27 years, began the introduction. "Welcome to Re:fresh...Let's start the show!" Carl queued up "California" by Rufus Wainwright and yes, we started the show.
"California, California
You're such a wonder that I think I'll stay in bed
Big time rollers, part time models
So much to plunder
That I think I'll sleep instead"
One by one, my beautiful models took their spot at the door and I watched through the filtered screen as they walked and spinned before our enthusiastic guests. Each created their own style...fresh, flirty, sometimes sultry. What fun to see my garments come to life before my eyes. It was then that I teared up and couldn't speak. All of the sewing, fitting, list-making, planning, and decorating hadn't prepared me for what I was feeling.
Pure joy.
Behind the scenes, the dressing rooms (aka my dining room and living room) were chaotic and frenzied. Shoes flew. Arms reached for the ceiling to receive a dress over the head. Dressers searched for coordinating accessories. At the rehearsal we stressed that there were a few spots in the show where the changes came quickly and everyone did their best to mitigate the lag time between looks. Looking back now, I should have known there was no reason to worry. The audience- comprised of my family, friends and customers- were smiling in anticipation.
My favorite song in the playlist was "Bohemian Like You" by the Dandy Warhols. I know that whenever I hear this song I'll always remember this day. Take a listen. :)
The show was separated into three mini-collections, the final was my favorite. Over the past year, I've been fascinated with alternative style wedding gowns- dresses that can take you from barefoot on the beach to a Victorian inspired soiree.
[caption id="attachment_843" align="aligncenter" width="375" caption="Photo by graygoosie on flickr"]

[caption id="attachment_844" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Photo by graygoosie on flickr"]

Whew. What a day. I appreciate all of you who came out and shared your May Day with us.
Special thanks to everyone who helped to make this event possible: Krista Ackerman, Christi and Mark Bulot, Christina Caldwell, Aimee-Beth Diamond, Karen Genet, Tiffany Hadley, Kim Iantorno, Teresa Lo, Brianna Moffitt, Linda and Mark Moffitt, Marissa Moffitt, Sienna Moffitt, Marilyn Pace, Anastajia Redshaw, Kenyatta Ross, Jenny Stevning, Tess and Camilla, Shaina Turian, Shelley Lawrence, Cathy and Terry Walling.
My biggest thank you goes to my husband, Carl, for his continuous love and support. He's the best.
Here are a few more pictures and more will appear on my flickr as they become available.
[caption id="attachment_858" align="aligncenter" width="360" caption="Photo by simplytess on flickr"]

[caption id="attachment_863" align="aligncenter" width="392" caption="Kenyatta"]

[caption id="attachment_866" align="aligncenter" width="375" caption="Photo by bonnindesigns on flickr"]

[caption id="attachment_869" align="aligncenter" width="375" caption="Photo by graygoosie on flickr"]

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