The first day of Spring! Yay for warmer days, the beauty of new growth and a chance to wear less layers. I don't know about you but I'm tired of two shirts, a sweater, leggings and a skirt. So as far as layers, I'm definitely downsizing but as far as sizing I'm definitely upsizing.
As I scout the thrift stores and flea markets for just the right garments and trims to detox and rehab into something new, I have been keeping my eyes open for larger sizes. It's taken me a while to expand my comfort zone outside of my of my Size 10 dressform and it's feeling good. I know that larger sized women have been pretty much ignored by couture designers and have a harder time finding garments that aren't matronly, polyester numbers. It's not right. So in my spring and summer line, I am offering garments in sizes 2 to 2X to accommodate as many body-types as I can. And as I continue to find more suitable base pieces from which to design, I'll add even more larger sizes to my collection.
That's awesome Lori! I can't wait to see what you've got this season.